240mmcure width Hoya LS series LED UV digital print curing unit


The Hoya UV systems are a latest development of an air cooled LED UV curing systems for digital
print applications. Having a very small foot print, being Air cooled only, with no cooling ducts, large
fans or water chillers and piping they are a simple way to change to this latest energy saving,
greener technology.
UV curing has a long history using high powered Mercury Vapour Arc lamps but LED UV curing
systems are the latest advancement in this energy curing technology bringing major benefits as well
as instant cure. They use 40% less electrical energy, run much cooler on the substrate and are
instant on/off with no start-up times or the need for standby shutters so no moving parts. Output
energy life can be measured in hours up to 25000 as opposed to an arc lamp needing replacement at
around 2000 hours. The LED’s produce a very specific wave length matched to the LED curable inks
and these wave lengths produce no ozone, so no need to extract to atmosphere. In summary:


  • Large savings in electrical energy and instant on/off
  • Ability to run heat sensitive substrates
  • No mercury in the lamp system
  • No ozone production
  • Limited maintenance and no lamp replacement

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